effective mechanical advantage
Related terms
The effective mechanical advantage (EMA) is a kind of moment arm ratio. For example, Full and Ahn (ful95a) define the EMA as the ratio of the musculo-apodeme moment arm to the leg moment arm:
Biewener (bie89a) defines the EMA "as the ratio of the extensor muscle moment arm (r) to the moment arm of the ground reaction force (R) acting about the joint.".
- [ful95a] Full & Ahn, Static forces and moments generated in the insect leg: comparison of a three-dimensional musculo-skeletal computer model with experimental measurements, J. Exp. Biol., 198, 1285-1298 (1995). link.
- [bie89a] Biewener, Scaling body support in mammals: limb posture and muscle mechanics, Science, 245, (1989). link. doi.