MATLAB: Copy plot
Notes on MATLAB about copying a plot from figure 1 into different subplots of figure 2
Example Fig. 1
% sample data x = [0 1 1 2; 1 1 2 2; 0 0 1 1]; y = [1 1 1 1; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0]; z = [1 1 1 1; 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0]; f1 = figure(1); %f1 = axes('Parent',1); fill3(x,y,z,'r') title('fig 1') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z')
Copy plot from Fig. 1 into subplots of Fig. 2
f2 = figure(2); f1a = allchild(get(f1,'CurrentAxes')); copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,1)); axis square view(0,90) copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,2)); axis square view(0,0) copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,3)); axis square view(90,0) copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,4)); axis square grid on view(45,45) copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,5)); axis square grid on view(135,45) copyobj(f1a,subplot(2,3,6)); axis square grid on view(225,45) % Change axes of several subplots at once AxesF2 = findobj(f2,'type','axes'); set(AxesF2,... 'xlim',[0 2],'ylim',[0 2], 'zlim', [0 2]); XLabels = get(AxesF2, 'XLabel'); YLabels = get(AxesF2, 'YLabel'); ZLabels = get(AxesF2, 'ZLabel'); set([XLabels{:}], 'String', 'X'); set([YLabels{:}], 'String', 'Y'); set([ZLabels{:}], 'String', 'Z'); % % accessed on 2017-06-14
% created_on:: 2017-06-14 % created_by:: T. Woehrl % disclaimer:: Without warranty of any kind.