Code for: Propulsion in hexapod locomotion: How do desert ants traverse slopes?


Bibliographic Information

% Manuscript Decision - Accepted on 7 Feb 2017
% MS ID#: JEXBIO/2016/137505
% MS TITLE: Propulsion in hexapod locomotion: How do desert ants traverse slopes?
% AUTHORS: Toni Woehrl, Lars Reinhardt, and Reinhard Blickhan
% ARTICLE TYPE: Research Article
% Journal: Journal of Experimental Biology 2017 220: 1618-1625
% DOI (Data): 10.5061/dryad.j4594, published online February 22, 2017
% DOI (Article): 10.1242/jeb.137505, published online May 3, 2017 

Example Video

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The following two additional Matlab scripts were required to plot the figures.

Matlab version

ans = (R2015b)


Load data

Download: data.mat (5.48 MB)

close all; clear all; clc
  Name         Size              Bytes  Class      Attributes

  F            6-D             2160000  double               
  d3          75x4                4594  dataset              
  data1      225x19             138924  dataset              
  data2        1x1             5138670  struct               
  p5l          1x1              120352  struct               

Fig. 1A-C: Weight-specific leg impulses at different slopes

plot_data1.title     = {'Fore-aft Impulse J_x', 'Lateral Impulse J_y', 'Normal Impulse J_z'};
plot_data1.color     = [1 0 0                 ; 0 0 1                ; 0 0.7 0];
plot_data1.direction = 'xyz';

leg   = unique(data1.legnr);
slope = unique(data1.deg);

% location of horizontal lines below siginificance stars for
% pairwise comparisons
y1 = [45 45];
y2 = [40 40];  % neighbours
xd = 0.05;     % gap

% Plot
for l = 1:length(plot_data1.direction) % Direction

    % Impulse data
    clear I_l
    I_l   = eval(['data1.Impulse',plot_data1.direction(l),'BW']);

    plot([0 16],[0 0],':k','LineWidth',0.5); hold on % Zero

    % Plot data points (grey) below boxplots
    for ll = 1:length(leg) % leg number

        for lll = 1:length(slope) % slope

            % subset impulse data
            clear filter_lll I
            filter_lll = logical(cell2mat(data1.legnr) == cell2mat(leg(ll)) & data1.deg == slope(lll));
            % Impulse
            I = I_l(filter_lll);

            % scatter points horizontally
            clear x lx x2
            x = (ll-1)*length(slope) + lll;
            lx = length(I);
            x2 = linspace(-.1,.1,lx);
            plot(x2+x,I,'.','Color',[1 1 1]*.7); hold all

            % horizontal lines for significance stars
            if lll==1 || lll==3
                plot([x+xd x+2-xd],y1,'k')
            if lll<5
                plot([x+xd x+1-xd],y2,'k');

    % plot boxplot
    clear bh
    bh = boxplot(I_l,{str2num(cell2mat(data1.legnr)),data1.deg},...
        'factorseparator',[1 1],...

    set(bh, 'markeredgecolor', [1 1 1]*.5,'Linewidth',.5, 'linestyle','-');

    axis([0.5 15.5 -50 50]);
    axis square

    xlabel('Slope i (deg)');
    ylabel('Weight-specific Impulse J_{lk} (ms)');

    text(1,-42, {'Left';'front leg'} ,'color','k','horizontalalignment','left');
    text(6,-42,{'Right';'middle leg'},'color','k','horizontalalignment','left');
    text(11,-42,{'Left';'hind leg'}  ,'color','k','horizontalalignment','left');


Fig. 2A-E: Mean GRF vectors with mean stepping patterns at different slopes

close all;

% select and order slopes
slopes = {'m60','m30','n00','p30','p60'};

% color coding of legs
cl_kk = [0 0 1; 0 .7 0; 1 0 0];

% color and linestyle supporting tripd
cl_sm = [1 1 1].*0;
ls_sm = '--';

for k = 1:length(slopes)

    % Suporting tripod: tarsus midstance positions, suporting tripod (mean)
    clear msx1 msy1 msx2 msy2 msx3 msy3
    msx1 = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.MidStance2X,2);
    msy1 = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.MidStance2Y,2);
    msx2 = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.MidStance2X,2);
    msy2 = - mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.MidStance2Y,2); % middle leg lateral direction
    msx3 = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.MidStance2X,2);
    msy3 = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.MidStance2Y,2);

    % Displacement of petiolus (mean)
    clear dp
    dp   = mean([data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.Displacement,...

    % Petiolus b3
    clear b3px b3py b3pz
    b3px = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b3x,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b3x,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b3x];
    b3py = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b3y,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b3y,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b3y];
    b3pz = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b3z,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b3z,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b3z];

    % Head-Thorax joint b2
    clear b2px b2py b2pz
    b2px = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b2x,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b2x,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b2x];
    b2py = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b2y,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b2y,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b2y];
    b2pz = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.b2z,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.b2z,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.b2z];

    % Center of mass (mean): 20 % of the thorax length
    % McMeeking, R. M.; Arzt, E. and Wehner, R. (2012). Cataglyphis desert ants improve their mobility by raising the gaster. J. Theoret. Biol. 297, 17-25.
    clear compx compy compz
    compx = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.comx,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.comx,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.comx];
    compy = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.comy,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.comy,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.comy];
    compz = [data2.C.(slopes{k}).l1.comz,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l2.comz,data2.C.(slopes{k}).l3.comz];

    % Mean body posture per slope and stride cycles, relative to Center of mass (x=0,y=0)
    b2px = mean(mean(b2px - compx,2));
    b2py = mean(mean(b2py - compy,2));
    b2pz = mean(mean(b2pz,2));

    b3px = mean(mean(b3px - compx,2));
    b3py = mean(mean(b3py - compy,2));
    b3pz = mean(mean(b3pz,2));

    for kk = 1:3 % legs
        hold all
        % Ground reaction force (duration,direction)
        clear GRF
        GRF(:,1)  = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).Fx,2);
        GRF(:,2)  = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).Fy,2);
        GRF(:,3)  = mean(data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).Fz,2);

        % Petiole (duration,direction)
        clear b3x b3y b3z
        b3x = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b3x;
        b3y = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b3y;
        b3z = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b3z;

        % Head Thorax joint (duration, direction)
        clear b2x b2y b2z
        b2x = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b2x;
        b2y = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b2y;
        b2z = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).b2z;

        % Center of mass (duration, direction)
        clear comx comy comz
        comx = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).comx;
        comy = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).comy;
        comz = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).comz;

        % Tarsi (duration, direction)
        clear p5x p5y
        p5x = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).p5x;
        p5y = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).p5y;

        % Mean Body Height
        clear BodyHeight
        BodyHeight = data2.C.(slopes{k}).(['l',num2str(kk)]).BodyHeight;

        % mirror middle leg in lateral direction
        if kk == 2
            p5y = -p5y;
            b3y = -b3y;
            b2y = -b2y;
            comy= -comy;
            GRF(:,2)  = -GRF(:,2);


        % Dorsal view (xy plane)%


        % plot tarsus trajectories with mean
        clear px py pxm pym

        px  = p5x - comx;
        py  = p5y - comy;
        pxm = mean(p5x-comx,2);
        pym = mean(p5y-comy,2);

        plot(px,py,'color',[1 1 1].*.6); hold on

        % Supporting tripod (spatial stepping pattern)
        % plot layer over tarsus trajectories
        if kk == 3

            % Tripod 1
            plot([msx1 msx2],[msy1 msy2],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm); hold on
            plot([msx1 msx3],[msy1 msy3],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm)
            plot([msx2 msx3],[msy2 msy3],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm)

            plot(dp+[msx1 msx2],[msy1 msy2],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm); hold on
            plot(dp+[msx1 msx3],[msy1 msy3],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm)
            plot(dp+[msx2 msx3],[msy2 msy3],'color',cl_sm,'linestyle',ls_sm)

            % Tripod 2
            plot(dp/2+[msx1 msx2],-[msy1 msy2],'color',[1 1 1].*.0,'linestyle',':'); hold on
            plot(dp/2+[msx1 msx3],-[msy1 msy3],'color',[1 1 1].*.0,'linestyle',':')
            plot(dp/2+[msx2 msx3],-[msy2 msy3],'color',[1 1 1].*.0,'linestyle',':')

            % Plot Thorax (Petiole -> Head-Thorax-joint)
            plot([b3px b2px],[b3py b2py],'color',[1 .5 0]*1,'linewidth',2)

            % Plot Displacement
            plot(0,0,'o','MarkerFaceColor',[1 .5 0]*1,...
                'MarkerEdgeColor',[1 .5 0]*1,'Markersize',4);
            plot(dp,0,'o','MarkerFaceColor',[1 .5 0]*1,...
                'MarkerEdgeColor',[1 .5 0]*1,'Markersize',4)

            % Center of triangle
            % spx = (msx1 + msx2 + msx3)/3;
            % spy = (msy1 + msy2 + msy3)/3;
            % plot(spx,spy,'dg','MarkerFaceColor','g') % center of triangle

            % Scale force-space 20x
            plot([-18 2],[18 18],'k','LineWidth',2)
            text(-9,18.5,'100 % BW','VerticalAlignment','bottom',...
            text(-9,17.5,'20 mm','VerticalAlignment','top',...

        % plot ground reactio force vectors
        for kkk = 5:10:95

        xlabel('x (mm)')
        ylabel('y (mm)')
        axis([-22 25 -22 25])
        axis square

        % Sagittal view xz-plane %


        % Body height
        clear s
        s = scatter(zeros(length(BodyHeight),1),BodyHeight,...
            'markerfacecolor',[1 .5 0]*.8);

        % Ground reaction force vectors
        for kkk = 5:10:95

        % Thorax axis (Petiole Head-Thorax-joint)
        % plot layer as last layer
        if kk == 3
            plot([b3px b2px],[b3pz b2pz],'color',[1 .5 0]*1,'linewidth',2)

            % Scale force-space 20x
            plot([-18 2],[18 18],'k','LineWidth',2)
            text(-9,18.5,'100 % BW','VerticalAlignment','bottom',...
            text(-9,17.5,'20 mm','VerticalAlignment','top',...

        xlabel('x (mm)')
        ylabel('z (mm)')
        axis([-22 25 -22 25])
        axis square


Fig. 3A-C: GRF over time

close all
figure('Name','test', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0,0,1,1])
ha = tight_subplot(9,5,[0.01 0.01]*2,[0.03 0.01]*2,[0.03 0.03]*2);

% constant of free fall
g = 9.81; % [kg*m/s^2]
clear slopes
slopes = unique(data1.deg);

% range green stripes
ay1 = [1 1 1]*-.75;
ay2 = [1 1 1]*.75;

% color double support durations
dscol = [0 .7 0];

% color leg
cl_kk = [0 0 1; 0 .7 0; 1 0 0];

for k = 1:length(slopes) % slopes

    % filter for subsets
    clear filter_k
    filter_k = data1.deg==slopes(k);

    % Gait cycle duration
    time     = data1.GaitCycleDuration(filter_k); % time in s

    % normalised stance duration per slope (middle legs, normalised)
    time_stance     = data1.TimeStance2(filter_k)./time*100; % in percent %
    time_stance_m   = mean(time_stance);

    for kk = 1:3 % legs
        filter_kk = data1.deg==slopes(k) & str2num(cell2mat(data1.legnr))==kk;

        for kkk = 1:3 % directions

            clear fq fqm fq1 fq2

            % Force
            % Tripod 1
            % F(degs,legs,tripod,direction,time,sample)
            fq   = squeeze(F(k,kk,2,kkk,:,:));
            fqm = mean(fq,2);

            % Tripod 2
            fq2   = squeeze(F(k,kk,1,kkk,:,:));
            fqm2 = mean(fq2,2);

            % plot
            ak =   k + 15*kkk - 15 + 5*kk - 5;

            hold all
            box on

            fill([50 time_stance_m time_stance_m 50 50],...
                [ay1(kkk) ay1(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay1(kkk)],...
                [1 1 1]*.7,'EdgeColor',dscol,'FaceColor',dscol,...
                'FaceAlpha',.2,'EdgeAlpha',0); hold all
            fill(100+[50 time_stance_m time_stance_m 50 50],...
                [ay1(kkk) ay1(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay1(kkk)],...
                [1 1 1]*.7,'EdgeColor',dscol,'FaceColor',dscol,...
            fill([100 50+time_stance_m 50+time_stance_m 100 100],...
                [ay1(kkk) ay1(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay1(kkk)],...
                [1 1 1]*.7,'EdgeColor',dscol,'FaceColor',dscol,...
            fill(-100+[100 50+time_stance_m 50+time_stance_m 100 100],...
                [ay1(kkk) ay1(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay2(kkk) ay1(kkk)],...
                [1 1 1]*.7,'EdgeColor',dscol,'FaceColor',dscol,...

            % plot standard deviation
            stdshade(fq',1,'k',[1 1 1]*0.6,[1:length(fq)]); hold on

            % tripod 2
                'Color',[0 0 0]); hold on
            % tripod 1
                'Color',cl_kk(kk,:)); hold on

            % plot title only for first six subplots
            if ak < 6
                title([num2str(slopes(k)),'°'],'FontWeight','normal', ...
            axis square


set(ha(40:45),'XTickLabel',{'0','','100'},'XTick',[50,50 + time_stance_m,150],...
                         'XTickLabel',{'0','','100'},'XTick',[50,50 + time_stance_m,150],...
set(ha,'Xlim',[0 170],'Ylim',[-.75 .75])

xlabel(ha(43),'Stride cycle right middle leg (%)')

ylabel(ha(6),'Fore-aft GRF (BW)','FontWeight','normal', 'FontSize',10,'linewidth',.5)
ylabel(ha(21),'Lateral GRF (BW)','FontWeight','normal', 'FontSize',10,'linewidth',.5)
ylabel(ha(36),'Normal GRF (BW)','FontWeight','normal', 'FontSize',10,'linewidth',.5)

% label leg right axis
yl = {'{\color{blue}L1} + R1', '{\color[rgb]{0,0.7,0}R2} + L2', '{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}L3} + R3',...
      '{\color{blue}L1} + R1', '{\color[rgb]{0,0.7,0}R2} + L2', '{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}L3} + R3',...
      '{\color{blue}L1} + R1', '{\color[rgb]{0,0.7,0}R2} + L2', '{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}L3} + R3',...

ik = 0;
for k = 5:5:45
    ik = ik + 1;

Fig. 4A-D: Comparison of the mean GRF vectors on upslopes and downslopes

close all

% color leg pair
cl_kk = [1 .7 0;0 0 1;0 .7 0];
% compare slopes
deg_pair = [-60,60;-30,30];
% force-space ratio
fscale = 20;
% axis
axis_vec=[-19 19 -19 19];
% midstance (mean of range between 49 to 51, [1:100])
meanwindow = 49:51;
% scale settings
force_scale_text = '50 % body weight';
space_scale_text = '10 mm';
scale = [-9,-9 + fscale*.5];
% changing linewidth for vectors
lw = linspace(1,.1,105);

for m = 1:2 % plot layers
    %(individual measurements below mean and below force)

    for l = 1:2 % slope pair

        clear degs
        degs = deg_pair(l,:);

        for k = 1:length(degs); % selected slope

            for kk = 1:3 % legs

                clear filter_kk

                filter_kk = data2.deg==degs(k) & data2.leg == num2str(kk);

                % 1 Tarsi
                % Anterior extreme positions aep
                % static supporting triangle
                clear aepx aepy aepz pet50x pet50y pet50z
                aepx = mean(data2.p5x(1:2,filter_kk))-mean(data2.b3x(1:2,filter_kk));
                aepy = mean(data2.p5y(1:2,filter_kk))-mean(data2.b3y(1:2,filter_kk));
                aepz = -mean(data2.b3z(1:2,filter_kk));

                % 2 Location of Petiole during midstance
                % (relative to petiole location during touchdowns)
                pet50x = mean(data2.b3x(meanwindow,filter_kk))-mean(data2.b3x(1:2,filter_kk));
                pet50y = mean(data2.b3y(meanwindow,filter_kk))-mean(data2.b3y(1:2,filter_kk));
                pet50z = mean(data2.b3z(meanwindow,filter_kk))-mean(data2.b3z(1:2,filter_kk));

                % ground reaction force
                clear fx fy fz
                fx  = mean(data2.Cx(:,filter_kk),2)*fscale;
                fy  = mean(data2.Cy(:,filter_kk),2)*fscale;
                fz  = mean(data2.Cz(:,filter_kk),2)*fscale;

                % mirror lateral direction if leg == middle leg
                if kk == 2
                    aepy = -aepy;
                    fy = -fy;

                % one figure per slope pair

                % one subplot for each plane (xy versus xz)

                % Colors
                clear colo
                if (degs(k) < 0 && kk == 1)
                    colo = [0 0 1];
                elseif (degs(k)  > 0 && kk == 1)
                    colo = [0 0 0.3];
                elseif (degs(k)  < 0 && kk == 3)
                    colo = [1 0 0];
                elseif (degs(k)  > 0 && kk == 3)
                    colo = [0.3 0 0];
                elseif (degs(k)  < 0 && kk == 2)
                    colo = [0 .7 0];
                    colo = [0 .7 0]*.3;
                % plot annotations and individual measurements
                % below mean and force
                if m == 1

                    % plot origin of coordiante system

                    % plot petiole mean+-std (crosses)
                    plot(pet50x,pet50y,'.','color',[1 1 1].*0)

                    % plot anterior extreme position
                    plot(aepx,aepy,'+','color',[1 1 1]*.5)

                    plot(mean(aepx)+std(aepx)*[1 -1],mean(aepy).*[1 1],'k','Linewidth',1.5)
                    plot(mean(aepx)*[1 1]           ,mean(aepy)+std(aepy)*[1 -1],'k','Linewidth',1.5)

                    % plot force
                    for kkk = 1:5:length(fx)
                            'Linewidth',lw(kkk)); hold on

                    xlabel('x (mm)')
                    ylabel('y (mm)')
                    axis square

                % xz-plane

                % plot annotations and individual measurements
                % below mean and force
                if m == 1

                    % plot origin of coordinate system

                    % plot scale
                        'HorizontalAlignment','center'); hold on
                        'HorizontalAlignment','center'); hold on
                    plot(scale,[-9, -9],'k','LineWidth',0.5)

                    % plot petiole mean+-std (crosses)
                    plot(pet50x,pet50z,'.','color',[1 1 1]*0)

                    % plot anterior extreme position
                    plot(aepx,aepz,'+','color',[1 1 1].*.5)


                    % plot mean anterior extreme position
                    plot(mean(aepx)+std(aepx)*[1 -1],mean(aepz)*[1 1],'k','Linewidth',1.5)
                    plot(mean(aepx)*[1 1]          ,mean(aepz)+std(aepz)*[1 -1],'k','Linewidth',1.5)

                    % plot force
                    for kkk = 1:5:length(fx)
                        clear ah
                            'AutoScaleFactor',1,'Linewidth',lw(kkk)); hold on

                    xlabel('x (mm)')
                    ylabel('z (mm)')
                    axis square

Fig. 5A-B: Hind leg dragging and change of body height

Fig. 5A: Hind leg dragging

close all

% sample trajectory in red
sam = 36;

% Uncertainty
xmin = 0.4; % [mm]

% Hind leg Tarsus trajectories
x = p5l.x;
% zero vertical component
z = p5l.z - repmat(mean(p5l.z(1:2,:)),100,1);

% Plot
% trajectories
plot(x,z,'color',[1 1 1]*.7,'LineWidth',.5); hold on
% uncertainty line
plot([-2 16], [xmin xmin],'--k')
% force plate
plot([-2 2], [0 0],'k','Linewidth',5)
% sample trajectory in red
plot(x(:,sam),z(:,sam),'r','Linewidth',4); hold all
axis equal
axis([-3 17 -2 5 ])
xlabel('x (mm)')
ylabel('z (mm)')

Fig. 5B: Change of body height

close all; clear bh
% create dataframe for bodyheight
bh.BodyHeight = data2.BodyHeight';
bh.leg        = num2str(data2.leg);
bh.deg        = data2.deg;

clear slopes
slopes = unique(bh.deg);
for k = 1:5 % plane
    % subset data
    clear filter_k dat_k lx x2
    filter_k = logical(bh.deg == slopes(k));
    dat_k = bh.BodyHeight(filter_k);
    % scatter and plot data
    lx = length(dat_k);
    x2 = linspace(-.1,.1,lx);
    plot(x2+k,dat_k,'.','Color',[1 1 1]*.3,'Markersize',10); hold on


xlabel('Slope i (deg)')
ylabel('Body height (mm)')

Fig. 6A-C: Normalised double support durations for each leg pair at different slopes

close all

% stride duration middle leg per definition gait cycle duration
clear sd slopes
sd = data1.td22 - data1.td12;
slopes = unique(data1.deg);

for k = 1:3 % legs
    clear dat
    % normalise double support durations
    % by stride duration of the middle legs
    dat   = eval(['data1.ds',num2str(k)])./sd*100;

    for kk = 1:length(slopes) % slopes

        % subset data
        filter_kk = data1.deg == slopes(kk);
        dat_kk = dat(filter_kk);

        % scatter and plot data
        lx = length(dat_kk);
        x2 = linspace(-.1,.1,lx);
        plot(x2+kk,dat_kk,'.','Color',[1 1 1]*.3,'Markersize',10); hold on


    % plot boxplot over scatterd data
    bh = boxplot(data1.(['ds',num2str(k)])./sd*100,data1.deg,...
        'symbol','.','outliersize',0.1,'widths',.75,'color',[0 0 0]);

    xlabel('Slope i (deg)')
    ylabel('Duration (%)')


stepx: stepping length in mm dx: dragging length in mm dz: tarsus lift heights in mm

ans = 

           deg    GroupCount    median_stepx    median_dx    median_dz
    -60    -60    15            6.8024          6.8264       0.42321  
    -30    -30    15            7.7551           7.767         0.774  
    0        0    15            9.1626          9.1626         0.996  
    30      30    15             8.574           8.574        1.0428  
    60      60    15            8.4687          8.4687         1.443  

Table 4: Kinematic parameter

data1.Duty2       = data1.TimeStance2./data1.TimeStep2*100; % Duty factor
data1.TimeStep2   = data1.TimeStep2.*1000;   % Stride duration of the middle legs in ms
data1.TimeStance2 = data1.TimeStance2.*1000; % Contact duration of the middle legs in ms
data1.GaitCycleVelocity2 = data1.GaitCycleVelocity2.*1000; % Running speed in mm/s
% Displacement of the CoM per stride of the middle legs in mm/Stride
data1.GaitCycleDisplacementS2 = data1.GaitCycleDisplacementS2.*1000;
ans = 

           deg    GroupCount    mean_TimeStep2    std_TimeStep2
    -60    -60    45            127.87            29.746       
    -30    -30    45            108.98            14.082       
    0        0    45            109.91            12.634       
    30      30    45            135.87            22.504       
    60      60    45            168.98            19.751       

           mean_TimeStance2    std_TimeStance2    mean_Duty2    std_Duty2
    -60    93.067              29.362              71.69        7.2404   
    -30    68.622              15.391             62.429        7.8164   
    0      68.933               10.75             62.681        6.1896   
    30     89.778              19.974             65.672        5.6179   
    60     114.44               20.23             67.483        6.8958   

           mean_GaitCycleVelocity2    std_GaitCycleVelocity2
    -60    63.777                     25.275                
    -30    83.723                     26.113                
    0      87.362                     17.402                
    30     70.642                     14.593                
    60     53.673                     9.6925                

           mean_GaitCycleDisplacementS2    std_GaitCycleDisplacementS2
    -60    7.7211                          1.9294                     
    -30    9.0467                          2.0994                     
    0      9.6601                          1.5619                     
    30     9.4821                          1.1748                     
    60     9.0547                          1.2206                     

Table 4: Body Height (Center of mass - substrate distance in mm)

data3.deg        = data2.deg;
data3.BodyHeight = data2.BodyHeight';
ans = 

           deg    GroupCount    mean_BodyHeight    std_BodyHeight
    -60    -60    45             2.582              0.6612       
    -30    -30    45             3.596             0.45271       
    0        0    45            3.7922             0.67355       
    30      30    45            3.0065             0.41909       
    60      60    45             2.399             0.43189       

Body Height (Petiole - substrate distance in mm)

ans = 

           deg    GroupCount    mean_BodyHeightMean    std_BodyHeightMean
    -60    -60    45            2.1749                 0.61942           
    -30    -30    45            3.2094                 0.45431           
    0        0    45            3.4913                 0.65939           
    30      30    45            2.7155                 0.40139           
    60      60    45             2.116                 0.41245